
A synchro team shoots a video clip with an international artist


The skaters of Nova at the shooting of the clip with Coeur de Pirate.

With more than 200,000 views, the video clip of Coeur de Pirate, an internationally known artist from Quebec, was shot with synchro skaters from the Nova team in Canada. We take you behind the scenes!

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"It was a relationship from the skating world that put us in touch," begins Nadine Tougas, Nova's Quebec coach. The production company Roméo et fils was looking for a team aged 15 to 18 to participate in the video clip of the song of Coeur de Pirate "Tu peux crever là-bas" and the synchro team was selected. 

"Once in contact, the production coordinator prepared the project. I submitted then to the team, who was really excited! We had to make a selection for the two or three most important roles. On a voluntary basis, the team members accepted to participate as extras and/or protagonists", continued the Quebec coach. 

The shooting took place in March in Châteauguay, southwest of Montreal. "The skaters felt like stars for a moment and received very nice comments. I think it adds a lot to their experience. We live a lot of competition when we do high-level sports, so to break out of this environment and have fun and discover new experiences is very enriching for these young adults," said Nadine Tougas. 

For the skaters, too, the experience was unforgettable. "This opportunity gave us the chance to show the beauty of our sport. I loved being behind the camera, and I am thrilled to have been able to participate. It was two beautiful days filled with novelties, but we were super well supervised, so it diminished the anxiety of the camera", underlined Meghane Beaudry, skater at Nova. 


And how was Coeur de Pirate?
Well-known in Quebec and in Europe, the artist Coeur de Pirate took on the coach's role in the video. A golden opportunity for the athletes who were able to meet and work with the singer. "She was very generous with her time and had a lot of respect for the girls. They had a lot of fun together," said Nadine Tougas.

"Coeur de pirate was super nice, welcoming and very happy to have us for the clip. The shoot went great. On the ice, we created some scenes ourselves (just the crew). I thought we were creative and structured. I never thought I would be part of this kind of experience. In addition to meeting a famous singer, we are part of her video clip... wow it was a great experience for us", explained Meghane Beaudry. 

Watch the video clip!

Apart from the experience, it is also a great way to promote synchronized skating to a new audience. "It was a great visibility for our club and a great influence for our sport", said Nadine Tougas.

For the moment, even if the team liked the song, the coach does not plan to use it in a future program. "Even though the song is very good and this singer is great, it is not in our plans to use it in the short term."