Let's meet Team Bauhinia from Hong Kong!

Team Bauhinia showcasing their program to spectators in MegaBox, a major shopping mall in Hong Kong. /Credits : Roy Ng Photography
The only synchro team in Hong Kong Team Bauhinia will soon return to Oberstdorf, Germany, for International Adult Figure Skating Competition. The event will take place later this May. We have the pleasure to meet them and introduce the team to audience of Jura Synchro.
Team Bauhinia eagerly await the opportunity to present their "King and I" program to judges and spectators. This year four new skaters join the 12 existing skaters to represent Hong Kong. Among them are experienced skaters as well as adult skaters new to ice skating. The audience can look forward to smartly dressed skaters taking over the ice with elegance and confidence.
Norris Choi, coach of the team, mentioned that there is difficulty in managing the diversity of skills and experience while choreographing and building the team. When asked about their expectations this season, team captain Olivia and teammates agree that their aim is to deliver the features of their program successfully and to enjoy the skate with high spirit. They supplement that it is the opportunity to meet new fellow skaters and develop friendships that fuel their enthusiasm in the sport.

This is their second synchro season and they are better prepared this time. After competition last May they continued practicing weekly. They also started planning for the season early. In Hong Kong where everyone works long hours, practicing regularly is a significant commitment in addition to those from family and work.

As regards the current status of synchro in Hong Kong, Norris stresses that training should start with young skaters. However, at the moment he hopes he can keep a team season after season. Ice time and venue rental remain obstacles in the development of synchro. The fact that skating rinks in this part of the world being attachments of shopping malls is not conducive to the recruitment of sufficient skaters from skating schools. Fortunately, skating rink operators are more forthcoming since last time Team Bauhinia competed internationally. Hopefully down the road, we will hear more good news about synchro in Hong Kong.
Nine synchro teams from Canada, Finland, Germany, Hong Kong P.R.C., Switzerland, and Sweden will compete for podium spots in Oberstdorf on the 19th May. Please stay tuned for Jura Synchro’s coverage of the competition.