
Why Synchronized Skating will come out stronger from the crisis


Leon Lurje Trophy in Sweden - 2020 edition (Credits: Ice Galaxy - 2020)

Find out today 5 good reasons why synchronized skating will get even stronger after the Covid-19 pandemic.

These five different reasons emerge from a survey carried out on our Instagram page a few days ago. The answers were used to create the following categories.

Please note that this survey has no scientific value but illustrates the state of mind of synchro skaters at the moment. 

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1. Precious time to review basic skills
A season without major synchro competitions or strict restrictions allows coaches to work on other things with their athletes. It's an opportunity to review the basics, build strong skating skills, create or refine programs and come up with new creative ideas. 

"I think we will see the level of skating increase everywhere due to the focus on basics," writes a U.S. synchro skater.

"Teams will spend one season working on their programs and skills, and then, they will come out stronger and better and maybe even think of some new tricks that will attract people to the sport," adds a Croatian skater.

U.S. synchro supporters (Credits: Ru-Pho - 2020)

2. More disciplined and stronger
Lockdown and ice rinks shut down in many countries are pushing synchro teams to innovate to continue training. Synchro athletes work harder on their physical skills and flexibility and thus develop new essential off-ice routines to complement their ice training.

"We learned how to train and practice on yourself for our team, and our coaches learned online coaching," explains a Swiss synchro skater.

In terms of innovation, a Canadian athlete points out that the crisis gives "affordable ways to connect synchro experts from around the world and also innovative ways to practice between in-person practices."

3. Passion never stops
"It is the best team sport in the world: elegant, fierce, precise and sooo much heart" - skater from Austria.

"Cause our love for this sport is even greater" - French synchro skater.

"Because you’ve really gotten the chance to know how much you really love it!" - skater from Sweden.

Once synchronized skating touches her heart, we love it forever, no matter what. It's that simple. Not true? 

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4. The advantage of team sport
While it can be seen as a difficulty in times of a pandemic due to physical contact, the fact that synchronized skating is a team sport is a real chance.

Together, the team members (regardless of age or level) support each other, motivate each other and maintain a precious social bond in this time of uncertainty. Together, it's much easier to get through a crisis! 

5. We miss it too much
"As we miss so much this season, we’re more than ever determined to show our progress at international competitions," says Team Ice Fire Mixed Age (POL).

"Our determination for the future is growing every extra day we have to miss the ice," adds a skater from the Netherlands.

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In our survey, many skaters told us that they miss synchronized skating so much this season. Indeed, usually at this time of the year, the synchro season is in full swing. For many skaters, this lack creates a fierce urge to return on the ice and to competitions as soon as possible with new things to bring to the sport.

Synchronized skating will emerge stronger from the pandemic, and we can't wait to see what athletes have in store for us for the comeback.

Keep your motivation, your strength and your determination. And don't forget to take care of those around you because we are stronger together!