
"Doing something lyrical and beautiful just felt like the right choice"


Team Unique (FIN), season 2020-2021. (Credits: Team Unique - 2020)

The season is about to start in Finland with the first competition expected in less than a month. The Team Unique took this opportunity to reveal its themes for the upcoming season.

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After several months of work, Team Unique has unveiled its new programs for the 2020-21 season.

The Helsinki team is preparing a very dynamic and fast short program called "Now". The long program seems to be calmer, more complex, and deep. This difference in pace and performance seems to characterize this team, which won the inaugural synchronized skating Challenger Series last season.

Your short program is ‘’Now’’. Can you tell us more about the story behind this program?  

Team Unique: Our short program itself actually interprets a public protest - gathering a group, expressing opinions, and escaping the security forces at the scene of the protest. The message behind this program, however, is not linked to any particular idea or movement. Instead, the message is more like ”the many faces of rebellion”. Like in our theme description: whatever reason you have, use your voice, be loud, and act now. 

About your free program: why in 2020 did you choose the "Garden of Eden"? 

It was not a clear and instant idea that it’s what we’re going to do. Our head coach first found one piece of music, and then one of our other coaches came up with the theme, and the idea just kind of started developing from there. Also, we guess the idea of doing something lyrical and beautiful just felt like the right choice.

Are you going to interpret Adam and Eve on the ice? 

Well, you will see all the famous scenes from the story; the beautiful paradise and all its animals, the mysterious snake, and of course, the moment when Eve decides to bite the forbidden apple ;-) !

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What to expect from this program?

You can expect lyrical, beautiful, and powerful music and emotions. The choreography will also be nothing like our sharp and upbeat short program but rather a piece of creative art. 

When will your fans be able to find out these two new programs? 

The first competition in Finland will be held on November 7th & 8th. We’ll do our best to get videos for our fans to see right away then!

In the next few days, we will be talking about this first competition in Finland. As cases of COVID-19 also seem to rise again in this country (as elsewhere in Europe), we'll take stock of the measures in place to host synchronized skating events. 

Stay tuned on Jura Synchro!